Ag Groups United in Encouraging “Swift Action in the Senate”

WASHINGTON (Sept. 11, 2007)—More than 20 organizations representing farmers and ranchers from across the U.S. called for “swift action in the Senate” on the 2007 farm bill in a letter [view letter] sent yesterday to key members of the U.S. Senate. The letter underscores agriculture’s continued unity in passing a strong farm bill and highlighted…


Thank You

By: U.S. Senator Max Baucus Standing Up For American Agriculture Over the last few years, major newspapers and special interest groups have been busy demeaning our nation’s farmers and ranchers. The articles come with some pejorative titles, such as “Farmers at the Trough,” “Hungry Kids, Greedy Farmers,” “Farm Subsidies: Necessary Evil?” and “Agriwelfare: The expiring…


Recess Report: Bipartisan Praise for House Farm Bill

WASHINGTON (August 17, 2007)—Much to the delight of farmers and ranchers in rural America, members of the Senate Agriculture Committee have repeatedly praised the agricultural provisions of the House farm bill during Congress’ August recess. “It’s pretty hard to argue against the House-passed farm bill,” Republican Sen. Norm Coleman (Minn.) said via conference call last…


Farm Organizations United as Farm Bill Goes to the U.S. Senate

CALIFORNIA (August 8, 2007)—At the American Sugar Alliance’s 24th International Sweetener Symposium, farmers from across the country came together to pledge a common goal of supporting a strong 2007 farm bill. The bill passed the House of Representatives on July 27. With the Senate slated to take up the legislation in September, key agriculture groups…


Commodity Groups Express Gratitude

WASHINGTON (July 31, 2007)—In a victorious moment for America’s farmers, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly rejected the Kind-Flake amendment last Thursday night by an astonishing vote of 309 to 117. Thanks to the support and persistence of the House Agriculture Committee and Chairman Collin Peterson (D-Minn.), as well as various coalitions and associations representing America’s…


Small Business Committee Chair Backs Farm Bill

WASHINGTON (July 25, 2007)—In a Dear Colleague letter to Members of Congress today, Congresswoman Nydia M. Velázquez (D-NY) joined the growing voices of legislators supporting a strong farm bill and called upon her colleagues to “Please oppose any attempts to weaken this important measure…and support H.R. 2419.” In her letter, Velázquez—who serves as Chairwoman of…


Beyond Our Borders: A Strong U.S. Farm Bill Has Global Implications

All too often we hear from self-anointed advocates who claim that U.S. farm policies contribute to poverty around the world. Yet they consistently ignore the real experts on global issues calling for the very same policies those naysayers are predisposed to reject. Moreover, rarely, if ever, does the media focus attention on the international organizations…


Scottie Pippen Bullish on Conservation Payments

WASHINGTON (June 19, 2007)—An investigation by into the new Environmental Working Group (EWG) farm subsidy database has uncovered a dirty little secret that radical environmental groups likely hoped would never surface. Former Chicago Bulls star Scottie Pippen, mega-lobbyist Gerald Cassidy, and many other wealthy subsidy recipients in EWG’s database are only there because they…


Brazilian Government Suppressed Prices While Arguing Against U.S. Cotton Program

ST. LOUIS, MO – While Brazilian officials were in Geneva arguing that U.S. subsidies were depressing world cotton prices, the Brazilian government was busy selling government-held cotton stocks on the Brazilian market in order to lower internal Brazilian cotton prices according to USDA reports. “The actions of Brazil’s own government in April and May of…


The Truth About Foreign Ag Subsidies

WASHINGTON (June 7, 2007)—Every member of the U.S. Senate today received a handbook highlighting the billions of dollars in subsidies foreign agricultural producers receive around the world. The research, compiled in the Guide to Foreign Crop Subsidies and Tariffs, shows that compared to other major global producers—developing and developed alike—the U.S. ranks near the bottom…


A Recipe for Disaster

By: Norm Knochel I recently saw a clever bumper sticker in farm country that read, “If you like foreign oil, you’ll love foreign food.” It’s brilliant because it makes you think about something most people take for granted—feeding ourselves. Unlike Americans, Europeans don’t take dinner for granted because they knew starvation and food shortages after…
