New Year, New Farm Bill?

It’s a new year – and with a new year comes a new Congress, new Administration, new opportunities, and new beginnings. Could a new Farm Bill join that list? America’s farm and ranch families certainly hope so. Farmers and ranchers across the country have been urging Congressional leaders to prioritize and pass a robust new Farm…

America’s Farm Families Need Help Now

The Thanksgiving leftovers are put away and holiday decorations are beginning to light front porches and mantles. With only a few weeks left before the new year – and even fewer before the 118th Congress is adjourned – policymakers are tasked with a hefty to-do list. Many lawmakers are already vowing to circle back on…

This Thanksgiving, Make Sure You #ThankAFarmer

Imagine for a moment sitting down at the dining table on Thanksgiving only to find empty plates – no turkey, gravy, and stuffing; no pumpkin pie or rolls; no sweet potato or green bean casserole to be had. Thankfully, that’s not the case, because America’s farm and ranch families work with grit and determination every…

Opinion: The Growing Importance of a 2024 Farm Bill

The following opinion piece originally ran on Agri-Pulse on October 1, 2024. Over the past two years, Congress has held numerous hearings that have documented a brewing financial crisis caused by falling commodity prices, high input costs, and tightening farm credit. Members have heard from farmers and ranchers across the country about the need for a…

Over 300 Groups Call on Congress to Pass Robust Farm Bill

This content was originally posted via National Corn Growers Association.  Citing worsening economic conditions impacting the nation’s farmers, over 300 national and state groups, including the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) and its affiliated corn state grower associations, sent a letter to congressional leaders today calling on them to pass the farm bill before year’s…

Farmers Tell Congress: The Time for a Farm Bill is NOW

From plunging crop prices to rising interest rates and high input costs – not to mention natural disasters – America’s farmers and ranchers are facing a myriad of challenges. New challenges warrant the need for stronger protections, but producers only have an outdated farm safety net to rely on under the current Farm Bill as…

What’s in a Farm Bill?

The long-awaited 2024 Farm Bill is picking up steam as both the House and Senate Agriculture Committees press forward, releasing key documents and proposals. In fact, the House Agriculture Committee has scheduled a full Committee mark-up for May 23. The last Farm Bill was negotiated, passed, and signed into law in 2018. More than half…

Farm Bill: Rhetoric vs. Reality

*NEW PODCAST EPISODE* “Farm and food security is national security, and good farm policy isn’t written by D.C. bureaucrats for D.C. bureaucrats; it’s written by farmers in rural America for farmers in rural America.” This powerful statement came from Congressman Brad Finstad (R-MN) during a House Agriculture Committee Hearing on February 14 – laying bare the…

Recipe for a Sweet Holiday Season

This holiday season, America’s farmers and ranchers are at the top of our nice list for growing and raising the crops and livestock that keep us all fed. The family farmers who grow sugarbeets and sugarcane – and the workers who transform these plants into the sugar in our holiday desserts – are an essential…

Farm Policy Criticisms Fall Flat

If it’s a Farm Bill year, you know that farm policy critics are going to come out swinging with the same old attacks on family farmers and ranchers. None of the material is new. The only difference is the attacks seem to be less tethered to the truth. Biting the hand that feeds them? Yes.…

Farm Policies to Support the Next Generation of Farmers

Did you know the average age of an American farmer is almost 58 years old? It’s a startling statistic, considering the vital role of farmers in our daily lives. With a growing global population and a dwindling number of farmers and ranchers, it’s critical that farm policies support the next generation of producers. Thankfully, the National…

Cuts to the Farm Safety Net Hurt Farmers, Food Security

The Washington Post Editorial Board recently published an opinion piece arguing that Congress should cut the farm safety net that helps farmers and ranchers navigate disaster and keeps us all fed. Drawing upon discredited anti-farmer reports, they laid out just how disastrous farm policy has been for America: ✅ Supports a “fantastically productive agricultural sector” ✅ Provides a safe, abundant, and affordable supply…

Food Security IS National Security

America’s farmers and ranchers provide us with the world’s most abundant and most affordable food supply. America’s food independence is an invaluable strategic asset and one that we absolutely cannot take for granted. It’s critical to our national security. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack recently put it into simple terms. Voters agree. A survey conducted by…

Invest in Farmers, Invest in Food Security

It’s budget season on Capitol Hill, and when it comes to the federal budget, there is no better investment than farm policy. That’s because only a fraction of a percent of federal spending is directed towards the farm safety net. Yet, that small budget supports family farmers, protects our national food security, and drives economic…

Celebrate Farmers on National Ag Day

National Ag Day is a day to celebrate the hardworking men and women who grow the food and fiber that helps fuel the American economy and is vital to our food security. We are blessed every day by the diversity of America’s farms and are grateful for all of our farmers and ranchers. American farmers…

Farm Bill Debate Must be Based on FACTS

Collin Peterson, former Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, wrote a must-read op-ed outlining the FACTS behind farm policy. “We have agriculture policy in this country for a reason. Among the lessons the pandemic taught us is not to take for granted full grocery shelves, safe food, and the fact that we as Americans pay less…

EWG Attacks Farm Families – Again

Look who’s back, back again. It’s the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and its anti-family farmer campaign. EWG’s latest faulty report is making the rounds, so it’s time to bust some #FarmPolicyFallacies. For those not familiar with EWG, it uses an outdated and intentionally misleading “farm subsidy database” to gin up opposition to the farm policies that support U.S. family farmers and keep food…

How to Dismantle the Food System

It’s a rallying cry pushed by special-interest groups and farm policy critics: dismantle the U.S. food system! But a fundamental misunderstanding of how our food is grown leads to bad ideas and even worse policy. Ray Starling, a former White House and U.S. Department of Agriculture official, explores this debate in his new book “Farmers versus…

The Farmer’s Small Share of the Food Dollar

As Thanksgiving approaches, food prices might be a topic of conversation around your dinner table. Dr. Rob Johansson, Director of Economics and Policy Analysis at the American Sugar Alliance (ASA) and the former Chief Economist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), joined Farm Policy Facts on our Groundwork podcast to talk about the importance of an…


As you enjoy a Thanksgiving meal this week with your friends and loved ones, don’t forget to thank a farmer. That’s because Thanksgiving dinner is only made possible due to the hard work of America’s farmers and ranchers. The turkey or ham on your table? Raised by a farmer. The wheat in your dinner rolls,…

American Food Security at Risk

Amid the daily onslaught of news, you might not have dug into the August Outlook for U.S. Agricultural Trade from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). But this report contains an alarming prediction: U.S. exports of agricultural products in Fiscal Year 2023 are expected to fall from current projections to $193.5 billion, while projected imports of agricultural…

Farmers Sound the Alarm on Farm Stress, Food Security

America’s farmers are no strangers to tough times. Mother Nature has a mean streak and farm equipment always seems to break down at the wrong moment. However, this year producers are facing additional stresses. This summer is overshadowed by skyrocketing input costs and growing inflation, unpredictable weather disasters, supply chain challenges that hinder products from making it to market…